SHOW is a LIST-like program that displays files of up to 64K. It has a fast direct-to screen routine and lots of good examples of macros in the .INC files. The executable could be a lot smaller with more discriminate use of PROC calls, since many of the macros expand to inline code. This is from MASM 5.1. The code is public domain, according to page Update-5 of the MASM 5.1 Update manual. To create SHOW.EXE using TASM: TASM SHOW TASM PAGER TLINK SHOW+PAGER To create SHOW.EXE using MASM: MASM SHOW; MASM PAGER; LINK SHOW+PAGER; This creates SHOW.EXE, the executable file. To use it, enter C:\TASM>SHOW at the DOS prompt. For example, to display PAGER.ASM, enter C:\TASM>SHOW PAGER.ASM at the DOS prompt.